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Installing a solar PV system alongside an air source heat pump will help to reduce running costs even further. Utilising the electricity generated via the panels to help run the heat pump.

Air Source Heat Pumps are now eligible for a grant of £7,500 towards the installation and capital costs under the Government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

The scheme covers England and Wales and has a budget of £450m over 3 years.

It supports systems up to a capacity limit of 45 kWth.

To be eligible for this

  • All applicants must hold a valid EPC. This typically means that the EPC should be one which
  • has been issued in the last 10 years
  • There must be no recommendations on the valid EPC for loft and/or cavity wall insulation
  • Only existing buildings and self-build homes are eligible for the domestic scheme.

As per the Government announcement that came into effect on 1st April. Air Source Heat Pumps Systems are Zero VAT rated.

Air Source Pumps extract heat from the surrounding outside area and transfer it via a thermodynamic cycle into usable heat, either as part of an overall climate control system or to heat homes and hot water systems. Air source heat pumps offer a flexible and cost-effective alternative to fossil fuel boilers and are so efficient that they are classified as renewable energy sources.

As heat pumps work by extracting available heat from the outside air, they are far more efficient than even the most efficient fossil-fuel-based heating systems.

Air Source Heat Pumps comprise an outdoor unit which converts latent energy in the air into heat for your home.

In cooling mode, (air conditioning units for example) heat pumps work by transferring the heat from a room or internal space to the outside air, thus cooling the inside area. In reverse, heat pumps can extract latent heat from the outside air (even when the temperature outside is down to -20°C) and pump it inside to heat indoor spaces.

We usually fit against a suitable discrete exterior wall which allows for optimum heat absorption.